Thursday, August 18, 2005

the far left???

went to the local anti-war / support cindy sheehan vigil last night. lots of folks there i hadn't seen before, guess they must be part of the far left of kent. or so one would think from listening to people puke out the latest "talking points" going round the right wing radio circuit.

anyway, some of us had a good laugh at the notion that or ben cohen could in any way be considered "far left".

--added later after some remarks from readers - seems i've done some sloppy writing.
was very impressed by the turnout, the organizers did a terrific job and the community responded.

if it seems if i'm making fun of people showing up at protests instead of bitching about the characterization of and other moderate liberal groups as "far left" by the right wing - see the explanation in the comments segment

1 comment:

  1. i'm a bit confused, as i wasn't poking fun at anyone that attended the vigil, and don't have a "little clique". must be a misunderstanding, so i will clarify the original post.
    the vigil for cindy sheehan had a great turn out in kent - the people who put it together did so in one day, and brought out people who had never protested before as well as those who have.

    my comments about the far left had nothing to do with the individuals at the vigil, but the small political thought universe of those on the right who consider a moderate liberal organization to be "far left". there were very few people there who would identify themselves as "far left", and some not even as "left", just concerned citizens. those were the people the right wing were trying to convince to stay home that night by characterizing the opposition as extreme leftists with whom they could have nothing in common.

    so, just to make sure i'm being clear - there was no poking fun of my neighbors, wasn't making any judgements about anyone's political views, and i was very glad that people outside the familiar community of organizers showed up. not the first time my warped sense of humor or sarcasm has led to misunderstandings - hope this clears things up.
